27 research outputs found

    Time transfer and frequency shift to the order 1/c^4 in the field of an axisymmetric rotating body

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    Within the weak-field, post-Newtonian approximation of the metric theories of gravity, we determine the one-way time transfer up to the order 1/c^4, the unperturbed term being of order 1/c, and the frequency shift up to the order 1/c^4. We adapt the method of the world-function developed by Synge to the Nordtvedt-Will PPN formalism. We get an integral expression for the world-function up to the order 1/c^3 and we apply this result to the field of an isolated, axisymmetric rotating body. We give a new procedure enabling to calculate the influence of the mass and spin multipole moments of the body on the time transfer and the frequency shift up to the order 1/c^4. We obtain explicit formulas for the contributions of the mass, of the quadrupole moment and of the intrinsic angular momentum. In the case where the only PPN parameters different from zero are beta and gamma, we deduce from these results the complete expression of the frequency shift up to the order 1/c^4. We briefly discuss the influence of the quadrupole moment and of the rotation of the Earth on the frequency shifts in the ACES mission.Comment: 17 pages, no figure. Version 2. Abstract and Section II revised. To appear in Physical Review

    Optical fibers with interferometric path length stability by controlled heating for transmission of optical signals and as components in frequency standards

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    We present a simple method to stabilize the optical path length of an optical fiber to an accuracy of about 1/100 of the laser wavelength. We study the dynamic response of the path length to modulation of an electrically conductive heater layer of the fiber. The path length is measured against the laser wavelength by use of the Pound-Drever-Hall method; negative feedback is applied via the heater. We apply the method in the context of a cryogenic resonator frequency standard.Comment: Expanded introduction and outlook. 9 pages, 5 figure

    Detection of Gravitational Redshift on the Solar Disk by Using Iodine-Cell Technique

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    With an aim to examine whether the predicted solar gravitational redshift can be observationally confirmed under the influence of the convective Doppler shift due to granular motions, we attempted measuring the absolute spectral line-shifts on a large number of points over the solar disk based on an extensive set of 5188-5212A region spectra taken through an iodine-cell with the Solar Domeless Telescope at Hida Observatory. The resulting heliocentric line shifts at the meridian line (where no rotational shift exists), which were derived by finding the best-fit parameterized model spectrum with the observed spectrum and corrected for the earth's motion, turned out to be weakly position-dependent as ~ +400 m/s near the disk center and increasing toward the limb up to ~ +600 m/s (both with a standard deviation of sigma ~ 100 m/s). Interestingly, this trend tends to disappear when the convectiveshift due to granular motions (~-300 m/s at the disk center and increasing toward the limb; simulated based on the two-component model along with the empirical center-to-limb variation) is subtracted, finally resulting in the averaged shift of 698 m/s (sigma = 113 m/s). Considering the ambiguities involved in the absolute wavelength calibration or in the correction due to convective Doppler shifts (at least several tens m/s, or more likely up to <~100 m/s), we may regard that this value is well consistent with the expected gravitational redshift of 633 m/s.Comment: 28 pages, 12 figures, electronic materials as ancillary data (table3, table 4, ReadMe); accepted for publication in Solar Physic

    Experimental feasibility of measuring the gravitational redshift of light using dispersion in optical fibers

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    This paper describes a new class of experiments that use dispersion in optical fibers to convert the gravitational frequency shift of light into a measurable phase shift or time delay. Two conceptual models are explored. In the first model, long counter-propagating pulses are used in a vertical fiber optic Sagnac interferometer. The second model uses optical solitons in vertically separated fiber optic storage rings. We discuss the feasibility of using such an instrument to make a high precision measurement of the gravitational frequency shift of light.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    The Influence of Free Quintessence on Gravitational Frequency Shift and Deflection of Light with 4D momentum

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    Based on the 4D momentum, the influence of quintessence on the gravitational frequency shift and the deflection of light are examined in modified Schwarzschild space. We find that the frequency of photon depends on the state parameter of quintessence wqw_q: the frequency increases for 1<wq<1/3-1<w_q<-1/3 and decreases for 1/3<wq<0-1/3<w_q<0. Meanwhile, we adopt an integral power number aa (a=3ωq+2a = 3\omega_q + 2) to solve the orbital equation of photon. The photon's potentials become higher with the decrease of ωq\omega_q. The behavior of bending light depends on the state parameter ωq\omega_q sensitively. In particular, for the case of ωq=1\omega_q = -1, there is no influence on the deflection of light by quintessence. Else, according to the H-masers of GP-A redshift experiment and the long-baseline interferometry, the constraints on the quintessence field in Solar system are presented here.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figures, 4 tables. European Physical Journal C in pres

    Probing Lorentz and CPT violation with space-based experiments

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    Space-based experiments offer sensitivity to numerous unmeasured effects involving Lorentz and CPT violation. We provide a classification of clock sensitivities and present explicit expressions for time variations arising in such experiments from nonzero coefficients in the Lorentz- and CPT-violating Standard-Model Extension.Comment: 15 page

    Testing General Relativity with Atomic Clocks

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    We discuss perspectives for new tests of general relativity which are based on recent technological developments as well as new ideas. We focus our attention on tests performed with atomic clocks and do not repeat arguments present in the other contributions to the present volume. In particular, we present the scientific motivations of the space projects ACES and SAGAS.Comment: Contribution for "The Nature of Gravity" (eds. F. Everitt et al

    Quantum Physics Exploring Gravity in the Outer Solar System: The Sagas Project

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    We summarise the scientific and technological aspects of the SAGAS (Search for Anomalous Gravitation using Atomic Sensors) project, submitted to ESA in June 2007 in response to the Cosmic Vision 2015-2025 call for proposals. The proposed mission aims at flying highly sensitive atomic sensors (optical clock, cold atom accelerometer, optical link) on a Solar System escape trajectory in the 2020 to 2030 time-frame. SAGAS has numerous science objectives in fundamental physics and Solar System science, for example numerous tests of general relativity and the exploration of the Kuiper belt. The combination of highly sensitive atomic sensors and of the laser link well adapted for large distances will allow measurements with unprecedented accuracy and on scales never reached before. We present the proposed mission in some detail, with particular emphasis on the science goals and associated measurements.Comment: 39 pages. Submitted in abridged version to Experimental Astronom


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    Clocks have always played a fundamental role in the development of gravitational and relativity theories. The advent of atomic clocks with stability in the 10-l6 domain provides measurement capability for both distance and time measurement at a level significant for the testing of relativistic gravitation. This paper outlines some of the tests now possible with space techniques that have opened the entire solar system to us as a laboratory for physical experiments

    Hydrogen Masers for Space.

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    We describe a program for the design and testing of atomic hydrogen (H) masers for general purpose use in space and methods for high precision space-to-earth time and frequency comparisons. The time comparison system for the EURECA test mission will use high precision (less 50 ps) pulsed laser time transfer and a modified PRARE microwave system for world-wide time synchronization